Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Top 5 things I look for in a guy

You know, these basically go hand-in-hand... for example, if he's strong in the gospel, I know I can trust him.... etc. Looks are eh, important, but not really. And the thing is, familiarity and warm fuzzy feelings, and falling madly in love with someone...just makes them even more attractive. ;) so there.

5. sweet...if he lets me know he cares about me

4. doesn't tear me down... uplifts me.

3. how honest/open he is, and how open I can be around
2. strong in the gospel, receptive to the spirit. not afraid to pray for each other. easy to stay on the path. but not self-righteous righteous. just genuinely righteous.

1. how I feel around him...if I feel like I can be myself around him, and if I feel beautiful and confident, and can love myself

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Top 5 things to do in the SNOW!!

5. Eat it ;)
4. Ski
3. Snowball fight!
2. Snowshoe
1. Snowboard!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Top 5 random things to do at RHSMUN

Basically the top 5 highlights of my years at rhsmun!! I'm sure there'll be more after this year....

5. writing a resolution that says we should blow up the moon, and having it pass unanimously...ok that was UHSMUN but it counts ok!

5 1/2. getting all the Lakeridge kids in trouble with first a cranky old lady and then mr. willey....

4. asking for 30-minute caucuses

3. writing an "automated" message for Mr. Carpenter telling him where we'll be on Friday night, then calling him and telling him to hang up because we need to leave a message....good times

2. partying and talking till 1 in the morning (and getting in trouble with security)...then talking for a couple more hours

1. sending a note to the dais, asking for Belarus to be put on the speaker's list... there was no Belarus in our committee!! The asst. chair put it on the speaker's list after looking confusedly through her role...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Top 5 things I wanna do when I feel sick (like right now)

5. read my psychology textbook (I know it sounds weird...)

4. watch a movie

3. listen to music

2. take a hot bath

1. put on a warm sweatshirt, wrap myself up in my quilt, and drop off into a deep sleep

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Top 5 things to eat ....when you get your wisdom teeth out that is :D

1. Ice Cream (from a special friend)
2. A Jamba Juice ( from another friend)
3. Pudding
4. Cream of Wheat
5. Oatmeal

Yup there you have it. I feel like that's all I've eaten lately but it's been so good. But everyone else I would suggest enjoying a wonderful thanksgiving dinner. Turkey and stuffing definitely outdoes, Cream of Wheat any day. Happy Thanksgiving everyone =)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Top 10 lines from "My Fair Lady"

Yes I know it's a top 5 blog, but it was all I could do to narrow down my favorite lines to 10. And that's not even including song lyrics!! But I won't get started on those tonight... Here are my top 10 favorite lines from My Fair Lady!!!

10) [Col. Pickering] You mean to say you would sell your daughter for 50 pounds? Have you no morals, man?
[Alfy Doolittle] No, no... can' afford 'em!

9) [Prof. Higgins] Yes, you squashed cabbage leaf!
[Col. Pickering] ...Does it occur to you, Higgins, that the girl has some feelings?
[Prof. Higgins] Oh no, no, no...

8) [Prof. Higgins] You'll get much further with the Lord if you learn not to offend His ears.

7) [Prof. Higgins] Hang Mrs. Pearce, hang the coffee, and hang you!! And hang my own folly for having lavished my hard-earned knowledge and the treasure of my regard and intimacy on the heartless gutter-snipe!

6) [Prof. Higgins] Very well. If the Higgins oxygen burns up her little lungs, let her seek the stuffiness that suits her. She's an owl sickened by a few days of my sunshine... I can do without her, I can do without anyone! I have my own gift! My own spark of divine fire!

5) [Eliza] So go back in your shell, I can do very well without you.
[Prof. Higgins] I know you can, I told you you could. You never wondered, I suppose, if I could get along without you?
[Eliza] ...You have my voice on your gramophone, you can turn it on whenever you get lonely. It has no feelings to hurt.
[Prof. Higgins] I can't turn your soul on...

4) *I know this is probably a little out of order... but this whole scene at Ascot is probably my favorite of the entire play! So just bear with me....*
[Eliza] And what become of her new straw hat that should have come to me? Somebody pinched it!!
[Mrs. Eynsford-Hill] You surely don't believe your aunt was killed, do you!
[Eliza] ...Them she lived with would have killed her for a hat pin, let alone a hat. Everyone believed she was dead, except my father. He kept ladeling gin down her throat. She came to so sudden that she bit the bowl right off the spoon. Now what call would a woman with that strength in her have to die of influenza, when she come through diptheria right enough the year before? Fairly blue with it she was...And what I always say is, them that pinched it, done her in.
[Mrs. Eynsford-Hill] Well it can't have been right for your father to be ladeling spirits down her throat - it might have killed her!
[Eliza] Not her. Gin was mother's milk to her. Besides, he poured so much down his own throat that he knew the good of it.
[Random guy] Do you mean he drank?
[Eliza] Drank? Something chronic! ...What are you sniggering at?
[Freddy] It's the new small talk, you do it so awfully well.
[Eliza] If I was doing it proper, then what was you laughing at? Have I said something I oughtn't?

3) [Col. Pickering] Now listen here, good man, I'm not pleased with the tenure of that question! What the girl does here is OUR affair - YOUR affair is to get her back here so she can continue doing it!!

2) [Col. Pickering] You know what I'm talking of. Are you a man of good character where women are concerned?
[Prof. Higgins] Have you EVER met a man of good character where women are concerned?!

1) [Eliza] I don't mind your swearing at me, I shouldn't mind a black eye; I've had one before this. But I won't be passed over...I know I'm a common, ignorant girl and you, a book-learned gentleman, but I'm not dirt under your feet.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Top 5 Sob Songs!

(Okay so a couple of these aren't necessarily SAD but I cry when I hear them when I'm sad... if that makes any sort of sense!! lol)

5 I'm Already There - Lonestar
4 Then You Look At Me - Celine Dion
3 Tim McGraw - Taylor Swift
2 So Small - Carrie Underwood

and the REAL sob song of the century.... dun dun duuuuuunnnnnn

1 WHAT HURTS THE MOST - Rascal Flatts

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Top 5 Classes at School

5. Wind Symphony
4. Seminary
3. Jazz Band
2. Ballroom
1. AP Psychology. . .I LOVE Mr. Fong

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Top 5 Songs Right Now

According to me, these are MY top 5 songs:

1. Quando, Quando, Quando - Micheal Bulbe
1. Jump -Van Halen
1. Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
1. 100 Years - Five for Fighting
1. The Jazz Police - Gordon Goodwin