Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Top 5 things I look for in a guy

You know, these basically go hand-in-hand... for example, if he's strong in the gospel, I know I can trust him.... etc. Looks are eh, important, but not really. And the thing is, familiarity and warm fuzzy feelings, and falling madly in love with someone...just makes them even more attractive. ;) so there.

5. sweet...if he lets me know he cares about me

4. doesn't tear me down... uplifts me.

3. how honest/open he is, and how open I can be around
2. strong in the gospel, receptive to the spirit. not afraid to pray for each other. easy to stay on the path. but not self-righteous righteous. just genuinely righteous.

1. how I feel around him...if I feel like I can be myself around him, and if I feel beautiful and confident, and can love myself

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