Thursday, May 7, 2009

Top reasons why this summer will rock :)

I am wishing now I had taken spring/summer terms, but it's okay. I definitely will next year. But things are going great, in fact....

1. I got hired as a music teacher
2. I will continue assistant teaching at another venue
3. I might get to apply to be a substitute teacher
4. My private violin studio is already forming (woot woot!)
5. I'm starting the Ysaye Ballade!
6. I got back into running, and I'm doing a 5K on Saturday
7. I get to house-sit for one of my best friends and her family --- which means I get a car for a few days!
8. I'm flying out to Colorado for RHSMUN summer staff, and it's free for me b/c the IMUNA board pays for it!
9. Sundae Sundays at with Liz, Alex, Anthony, Robert, Joanna, and the rest of the crew.
10. I'm a senior at BYU. That really doesn't have a lot to do with summer, but I'm pretty happy about it anyways.
11. I got accepted into the violin performance program. Ditto for above.
12. I was chosen as a Y Group Leader for NSO at BYU.
13. I was hired to write a radio ad. Nervous? A bit :D
14. New blog!

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